Is Wine Healthier Than Beer?
The amount of alcohol you drink will tell you which is better: Wine or Beer. Sometimes drinking a little wine or beer is good for you, but the benefits wear off faster the more you drink. There is no greater significance than the amount of booze you consume. It's even better not to drink at all. Don't believe the talk about either Is Wine Healthier Than Beer even if you like one more than the other. Let's look at the facts. Best Burger and Beer Pairing Beer vs. Wine Calories: There are different amounts of calories in each kind of beer or wine. Let's start by having wine. Most of the time, a wine with more alcohol by volume (ABV) has more calories. But those changes aren't significant. It takes about 120 to 125 calories to drink a 5-ounce glass of red wine. About 120 calories are in that much white wine. As long as you don't drink too much, a normal glass of prosecco has only 98 calories. Without booze, Surely's sparkling rosé is an option. Each 8-ounce s...